Friday 7 November 2008

How to build links for your websites - Link Building

When this thread is finished the meat of this thread will be compiled into this page Link Building Guide.

I guess the obvious method I've been using is submitting to link directories using mikes submitter program. However you can't submit sub pages and you can't be certain which pages you'll end up on or what PR that page will have.

The next method, where I've been able to cheat a little, is posting on forums and blogs. I've been able to cheat by modifying my global signature for my posts on the Real Basic Forum. Also theres blog posting here. But I think I need to work harder on this, by submitting to a lot more different themed blogs and forums.

I always think that those link directories seem very small time, I guess more established directories and listings sites would be a good place to submit too, although none come to mind at the moment.

I guess becoming a blogger would help to.

Another method is press releases, not something I've heard mentioned for a long time. And not for the purposes on link building even then. But I guess lots of sites use these on their sites too. But its a one off sort of thing, also I've not sure what I do for my jewellery site.

As part of this mike has offered to let me make some postings for his own blog.

The biggest problem with these method is that time that it takes to post and you only benefit from one link, but as I can hear mike saying, you can get people visiting your site from these posts. I guess another problem is finding blogs / forums on the topic relevant to your site.

Another popular and new method (I believe) is to create a pad file for your site and a program which can be a catalogue of your site. I intend to produce a demo, maybe a video for my maths programs on my shop site. However, on softtester I've seen listings for a hand bag site, where the program is a mini catalogue of your site. I haven't deleted it yet, I guess I should.

Reciprocal links, when I started submitting to links directories I asked mike if I should provide RLs and he said no and your giving away PR to these sites. But I guess there must be some value in RLs as we've got links to each others sites on your sites?

Hmmm can't think of any more and I don't really have a plan to move forward on this :(



  1. I think the PAD file idea is a good one.

    Blog posts can also be good because you can make the post contain relevant words to your site. I think Google prefers links from within paragraphs of text than simple header or footer links.

    A small number (< 10?) of reciprocal links are fine, especially between related sites like ours. The problem with directories is that they aren't related and giving them links isn't something you can do too much, e.g. would you give 100 or 1000 links out of your site. In any case, there are so many directories that you can get enough incoming links from them without handing links back.

    I'd go for the PAD file catalogue idea.

  2. I think if I did, I'd have to provide a little value from my program, although I don't want to spend much time on the program.

    I could do a video in an exe or a catalogue, but it seems so strange, not a program... hmmmm


  3. I wouldn't bother about value from the program. I think these kinds of things are little more than spam really and doubt if anyone would actually use them. It's only purpose would be to get you a few links.

    You could also do a screensaver.

  4. I think I'd want to put some effort into it, don't want it to seem spammy. I don't want to risk my site getting flagged somehow.

    But I don't want to spend too much time developing it.

    I'd make it demo as opposed to freeware / shareware.

    I guess I could do a video and put it in a exe somehow.

  5. Hi,

    You could use camtasia to make a video then it has a neat feature to pack it into an exe:

    Or if you want i could let you have my source code for my Ebook viewer VB6 App.

    Basically you download your shop html files create a VB Res file and it gets imported into the exe :)

    You would only need to create the res file i have a batch file for that and of course change the app exe title, name, about us.

  6. Thanks blue, they seem like greats ideas..

    Do you know if its possible to hid the camtasia viewer things? I mean so it does look like a player. Also hows it embed the video file?

    Your ebook viewer app, hmmm, I guess if I wrote that in Real Basic, the HTML viewer wouldn't need any prerequisites.

    I love the camtasia idea and having a video, hope I can hide the player stuff. I guess this had the added bonus of being quick to develop. I could get Denise to voice over it too.


  7. The ebook viewer app only reuires vb6 runtime.

    For the video you could get some screen recording software like camtasia and output to SWF then i think you can also compiile that to an exe I've only tried camtasia avi to exe which was quite large due to the source format.

  8. Blue, you said that you thought you'd do this too.

    What sort of app are you going to do?

    I'm not really sure what to do, the exe sized seemed quite big when I looked at camtasia and the viewer idea, its not very jazzy, if you know what I mean.

    Maybe I'm thinking about this too much and I really do just need something very simple.

    I had thought for my maths progs I'd do a video on them in action, but that might put people off buying them :)

    And for the jewellery site, theres only really the web page unless I video denise wearing the stuff and showing it off. Which I guess could work, but I'd have a lot of pad files and she didn't want her face to appear in shot :)

    Hmmm, any comments?

  9. My thoughts for my shop site was to use a website grabber program, then re adjust the links in the offline version so it works just offline.

    Then pack it into my ebook viewer app which would end up being about 4/5mb including vb6 runtime.

    For my vinyl stuff I might just put up the actual ebook as it is, not 100% sure as the ebook explains how to convert what tool to use etc. Wheres the cd i sell contains the ebook, videos and software (which is available on the net for free) and audio cables.

    I guess if i posted my ebook as PADs for the vinyl stuff my PR should increase and i might get more sales based on those searching google.

  10. >... website grabber program ...

    So you mean, you'd create an offline version of your website as an ebook?

    Which product(s) would you assign it to?

    I had planned to do one for each of my cds.

    For your vinyl stuff I guess your going have to make it into a demo.. maybe remove some stuff from your current ebook. and put a link to your vinyl web page to purchase.

    Of course the order page url in the pad file you can set to your shop product page, I'm not sure about digital downloads in cubecart. I guess this may be separate products?Or maybe they can be set as free products :-$

  11. Products to assign not thought into that but did think I would just create one ebook which would be an offline version of the site :/

  12. Sounds complex i actually forgot about hosting a page on the site.

    I think i would take the basic approach create a PAD file host the download.exe or zip then in CC create a static page which I would use in the pad data as for engaging the customer for this type of work it would be a pointless excercise as the user is coming from a download site and expects to just download what they need.

    If I was hosting a download for a visitor of my site then I would work at getting their info.

    The basic approach should be the best option :)

  13. So your static page, wouldn't that be your main product page? The one were wanting to gains links (and PR) from download sites.

    It does sound complicated doesn't it.

    I do like the idea of denise in a video wearing the jewellery though. Will be fun to do, no doubt :)

  14. OK.

    I thought I might have a go at doing something for one of my maths progs. Previously I have said...

    >I had thought for my maths progs I´d do a video on them in action, but that might put people off buying them :)

    But I'm not sure what to do, I was thinking the html I'm using on my products page in an html viewer might be ok. But this doesn't sell the program very well for anything viewing the program. But I
    guess its a nice simple thing to do.

    What do you guys think?

  15. Just wanted to add this the thread.

    Blue: well my thought has always been i doubt very much we would get sales from submitting to a pads site

    Dipsy: yep, its all about getting links

    Dipsy: but I want to be accepted by as many pad sites as possible and not tagged as a spammer

    Blue: doing an ebook you would

    Blue: same for video i guess.

  16. I wish I could come to some final decision about this, I really feel like I'm going to be spamming and I hate the thought of that.

    I wish I felt like I was providing something useful.

  17. Hmmm, had another at a spammy listing and they have a screen saver, its Ok, it doesn't produce a link or anything though.

    The software they use is $25 which is OK, might buy it and knock some up.

    It has the URL stated in the graphics, shame my shop url is so un-memorable.

  18. This is a good post and may be one that can be followed up to see what the results are

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