Tuesday 25 November 2008

Shareware Site Refresh - Bartering for Graphics

Over at www.resourcefill.com, I've been trying to promote the site to the likes of RoboSoft for a few weeks in an attempt to get submissions. I've failed miserably.  The site is getting only a handful of visitors a day and no submissions at all.

The original idea behind ResourceFill was that it was a low-cost way of setting up a new shareware/ freeware site that would attract links and grow in rank and popularity over time. In a year or so I was hoping for some Adsense income. The only costs involved were the price of the domain name and then 2 or 3 hours to modify the free PHP script I'd found to suit my purposes. All I was then planning to do was let the site take care of itself and see how it grew over time. After a few weeks, I've decided that this just isn't going to work.

On reflection, the site looks old and cheap compared to newer shareware sites that have more time spent on them - like SoftTester and SoftwareLode. I've decided that I'm going to set up another site using the SoftwareLode script. This means I'm going to have to spend money. The first cost is purchasing the license for another site to use the script. The second thing I'll need to do is get some good-looking award graphics. I've decided to exchange a few hundred submissions using SliQ Submitter for some graphics from a friendly graphic designer I know. I'll use my new, faster SliQ Submitter to do a ton of submissions so I'll end up putting in a few hours work in exchange for the graphics. It'll also be an opportunity to give the new SliQ Submitter another test run.

I've modded the original softwarelode script quite a bit since I purchased it in order to make management, and especially rejection of spammy PADs, much easier than with the original. I can work through about 200 submissions in 5 minutes or less - mainly since I automatically mark updated PADs as OK to be accepted. SoftwareLode is now doing quite well - about 4 to 500 visitors a day and I'm hoping resourcefill can get to the same level in about 6 months.

by ML

1 comment:

  1. >I´ve failed miserably

    You mean RoboSoft haven't accepted you on their list of sites they submit to ?


    What does resourcefill mean?

    perhaps thats confusing people?

    I think the functionality og the site is fine.
    Don't think you need to buy another script.
