Wednesday 5 November 2008

Picking good keywords for your home page

I'm currently trying to get to a certain level of completion with my shop site(s) before I start to do some serious link building (although I haven't figured that bit out yet).

I've optimized my sub pages with carefully chosen keywords that I think should produce visitors which will buy that item. Although the keywords haven't been my first choice keywords, they have a good projected traffic level, look to be achievable from the results shown on google and the competition level looks good too.

Now I need to choose the keywords for my home page, I have spent time looking for keywords and time thinking what to do for the best, over several days. I haven't been able to find achievable, relevant keywords. Unlike my sub pages I feel the home page needs to use keywords which are really quite relevant and that users will use.

After much thought I've come to the conclusion that I have to use keywords that people will use, even if these keywords look unachievable.

I'm hoping PR will seep through from my sub pages and raise the PR of my main page.

I looked, with surprise, the other day and found that I hadn't used mike submitter tool on my jewellery site (the site I'm talking about in this post). However, as the url of my site is I'm worried that as this is a sub page I might not be able to use mike program and maybe a couple of months ago, this is the reason why I didn't use mikes prog in the first place. For those of you that don't know, must directory sites don't accept sub pages.

I just wanted to get that off my chest as I've had this issue bouncing round my head for several days and I keep changing my mind. My main worry was that I'd be using keywords which would never get visitors, like the keywords I've used on my older sites in the past.

But as I say I don't think I have any choice. This decision does worry me though. :(



  1. I think you've done a pretty good SEO job on this site already. Link-building will help of course.

    The only real advice I can give is that if your main keywords on your homepage are "Jewellery Shop" for example, I'd put a sitewide link from every sub-page to the homepage with the anchor text "Jewellery Shop".

    I'm not saying that "Jewellery Shop" should be your main keyword however. Use the Google tools to see if others are also worth using. Try 3 keywords to begin with. Investigate things along the lines of "jewellery sale", "online jewellery shop", "gold jewellery" and so on.

    For link-building, it will be hard to do directory submissions with the sub-page. You could try advertising for link exchanges with other related sites on DP.

  2. Ah thanks I forgot to add the main page as a link. Going with cheap jewellery, got the auzzie lady doing some content for it too.

    I was able to use the submitter on

    Although I would like to do some other link building too.

    I think I'll group all the ideas which have been mentioned and make a separate blog posting on that.
