Tuesday 18 November 2008

Pad file guidance

While writing the last post I thought I might share my experiences and what I've learnt about pad files.

Never use an email address you want to hang on to unless you have very good spam protection. I always use a gmail type account.

Never use your own name, split your company name into first name and surname.
You'll end up with your name plastered all over the web if you don't.

Your company website url, my home page has always been the product page, however I guess this doesn't matter so much what you put here.

Make sure you always put a cost in dollars, even if you don't provide the option to buy in dollars, then include your main currency.

Theres been much discussion about program type, I've always used shareware, but I guess commercial would be better.

Forget the filename versioned, previous, generic and long, use the same file name for all of them. Don't include a version number in your file name. Its better to have a generic name e.g. MyProg.exe.

Some sites don't poll pad files and rely on your submitting updates, therefore you will have broken links if you change your file name. Think about sites which could be years out of date. I have this :(

I think your category is quite important, you should spend some time picking it.
Afterall, when your program listing appears in a category pages, it stands a better chance of being found if its got a lot of similar content on the same page.

I think the keywords and different length of description are the most important part. Unfortunately the most difficult. I don't think I've ever got this right. I need to work on mine.

If you provide your program in more than one language add the extra language text.

However, I would setup another pad file and url, for specific languages. Also, in countries like Germany the pad spec is a little different as everyone uses a different program to create their pad files. Theres also an association which is best to subscribe to, which gives you an number to add to your pad file.

Make your application URLs short, some sites don't like long file names.

Make your screen shot a GIF file and when you update your GIF file keep your image the same size, even if you have to resize it.

Your XML file url must be the same as your current URL. Some sites download your pad files and process them. However this is also good if you move your website.

In my opionin and that of my web stats ZIP files are by far more popular that EXE files. Also, in windows XP if you download a ZIP file you don't get a nasty security warning.

There are various pad file extensions, I've always like the idea of the pad ring, as it save you submitting all your pad files, however, this is when I used to spend all day saturday submitting by hand.

The affiliates extension is also a good idea, as it give sites the option to sell your software and gain commission.



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