Thursday 13 November 2008

New Directory Submission Tool Release

Over at SliQTools, I've made a new release of my free directory submission software, SliQ Submitter.

Functionally, it's not a major release but a lot of effort, over many days, has gone in to checking and tidying up the supported list of web directories. In version 1.0.X, SliQ supported over 2100 web directories. However, in the 3 or 4 months since it was last release a lot of the directories had switched to requiring payment for a listing. A fair number had gone to the wall too or their domains had expired.

In version 1.1, there are now 1250 free web directories supported. This is still a pretty big list and if a good percentage of the directories accept your site, you should get a good kick in SERPs performance and visitors.

by ML


  1. Ah great.

    So when can we expect those extra feature you talked about a few days ago?

    Like the delete button though.

  2. Not sure. I have a version which works much quicker but
    it's not ready for release. Here's a screenshot:

    In this version, the user doesn't interact directly with the
    web browser at all. there's a thumbnail of the directory
    but all interaction is done through textboxes and combos
    provided by the PC app.

    If a directory doesn't have a captcha, it can take 1
    second to do a submission and load the next directory.
    Threading etc. allows working with directories in parallel.

    I had this version on the go not long after the original.
    I'm considering selling this one. The problem is that it
    takes a lot of work to maintain the directory list. what do
    you think?

    This is the one I used to do the 300 or so Mindwarp submissions in less than an hour the other night. I could do them in less time now since I've sorted the list to put directories without captchas first.

  3. Wow, I'd like to beta test it for you?

    I think I've said this in the past, I think you need to provide options for users to submit / correct content and have them submit it to you.

    Also, for a couple of years I've had a bug report feature, which has some very useful information in it. I developed it try and tell me why my program wasn't selling. But I get a lot of very useful
    bug information.

    In July I release the last version of KMF I've got 114 bug reports to read through / analyse.

    I cant stress enough how important it is to gain feedback from the user.

    I know you'd like to sell your program, but I think a cut down / free version, or some version where the user can provide feedback without having to pay would be an extremely cool move. Perhaps you
    could have some advertising in it. I dunno, but the program could run itself .

  4. The free prog is pretty good at getting me links. I'd like
    to sell it though. If I can put together an installer this
    weekend, I'll let you have a preview copy.

    On this new, faster version you can delete directories but
    you can't add. The problem with adding is that the dirs
    are so tighlty integrated into the software that they have
    to be tested for compatibility before being allowed to be

    I'm not sure how I would sell it. There are similar progs
    on the market but they work on a subscription basis, e.g.
    you pay $30 a month. The progs then interface with an
    update service on the web that keeps the directories up
    to date - a bit like RoboSoft. This was the area where I
    wondered before if you could help.

    The other alternative is to sell it a bit like one of those
    disposable cameras - you buy it for $10, use it for a
    short, limited period before it dies and you have to
    purchase a new version. Logistically, this last scheme
    would be simpler to administer.

    Any thoughts?
