Friday 7 November 2008

Google products base file updates

When I first discovered how great google base files were I spent about two weeks trying to find advice on how to make the most out of them. I found that almost anyone who sells things on the web can use them and you can create them and forget about them.

During these time I made refinements and was happy in the end that I'd done a good job.

I sat back and waited to see what would happen, on one of my sites I got sales and still get a trickle of sales. But I never got my google checkout buttons, that still a mystery.

Anyways, I now need to update my files as I've change almost everything about the products they include.

Last time I did an output from the database using the rather basic froogle export, from then on I played with my spreadsheet and produced a good file.

I did wonder at the time how I could improve this process so I wouldn't have to do that each time, but I thought, until I get it right these no point in doing anything fancy.

However at the time it did seem to make sense to have everything in the cubecart database then I could maybe produce a feature which I could sell at a later date.

This time round I'm thinking, I want to do something quick that I can re-use and will give me a good file, I doubt if anyone would buy a cube cart mod anyways (even if they did I wouldn't make much money out of it).

So I've decided to write a program in VB.Net, I'll have it access my cube_cart database or I'll figure out a way to dump data for my program to access. Then I'll have some data in a small database or text files which I can use to add data to my base files.

Then I can still access updates in my products and have a great file.




  1. OK scratch that last bit.

    2 seconds after I wrote that I had a look at the database and decided to do it in PHP instead :)

  2. Oh thats pretty cools, just going through some emails.

    You can now pass your product weight and how much you charge based on country / weight / method.
