Wednesday 7 January 2009

SEO Tweaks for this Blog

In the last few weeks this blog has lost its PageRank. PageRank as an end in itself has little value but it is a measure of how much Google likes a webpage. A page without an assigned rank is very unlikely to appear in the SERPs. Dipsy made a post a little while back saying that it was hard to find older posts that covered topics we were currently discussing.

I wonder whether both these things - loss of PR and difficulty in finding things - can be improved by one simple tweak. The thing we haven't bothered to do on this blog is do any real linking between posts themselves. We've simply relied on tags and categories.

One of the main SEO tips for placing links between pages is to give a link good anchor text and to place the link within a paragraph of text on the same topic as the target of the link. Looking at Google Analytics, it seems that its mainly the newer posts that get the traffic. If we try to do this in the future then we might pull some of the older posts out of purgatory and get some more traffic.

I believe there is a similar posts plugin for Wordpress that can do some of this work for us automatically. Has anyone come across this plug-in?

It might be a bit tiresome with nearly 200 posts on the blog but I'll try and spend some time interlinking the older posts I've made - where appropriate - over the next few weeks.

by ML

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