Thursday 8 January 2009

Toy boxes / storage, ever increasing

Before Christmas we ordered a second toy box for our monkey, he had one for his Thomas trains etc. We were having the downstairs decorated and decided that the current box worked OK and a second might help keep the place tidy.

In hindsight we'd have been better waiting until after Christmas day as we have more toys that we have space for.

The box we bought was from argos, its a wooden flat pack thing.
Initially I though I might just get some bigger bits of woods and re-engineer the box to make it bigger.

I think sectioning it might help too, as every time he wants to play wit his Thomas stuff he ends up taking everything out to find the piece of track he wanted.

His birthday is in February and I know we may end up in a similar state again.

What do you guys do about toy storage?

His second box is mostly cars all of which he loves.


  1. Yep it's hard work storing all those toys, in Chloe's room we have a cupboard and have purchased lots of those cheap plastic boxes and labelled each one up, they stack up pretty easy. So she has a box of thomas stuff, dolls, costumes etc etc.

    We also tried to have a old toy clear out with Chloe when she was younger but found that she wanted to keep everything even stuff that she never plays with or is too old for. So we did a secret toy removal where we put old baby toys into another room or out of site then waited a month or so, if she never asked where it was etc we then got rid of them.

  2. Yeah we've got rid or put some stuff in the loft a few times already.


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