Sunday 31 August 2008

Brainstorming: Right Keywords for transfer vinyl to mp3 / cd bundle?

What are the right keywords to get people to buy a bundle of cables and software to transfer vinyl to mp3 or CD?
I thought it would be a good idea if we all make a comment about all of our products, where we trying to improve the website.

To make it fair I'm putting a posting for each of our main products.
The aim is to just add comments to the first thing and the last thing which pops into your head.

This is for Aaron.

by JM
EDIT: Feel free to add other posts like this, I'd like too.


  1. convert record to mp3
    convert record to cd
    convert record to compact disc
    transfer record etc

    put my records on to cds

  2. vinyl record compact disc
    vinyl software converter
    vinyl copy to cd
    vinyl record transfer
    how to put my records on cd

  3. Some good keywords, after spending some time on my existing site the keywords I am using are complete rubbish.

    I've also read that using single or double words such as "vinyl mp3" users are less likely to make a purchase where´s using three of four words means that the visitor is intending to make a purchase.

    My site was focusing on "vinyl to mp3" which now thinking about it, it would be a very hard task to get to the first page of Google.

    Keywords are very confusing should I list all the possible keywords for just one page?

    i.e. "vinyl record compact disc, vinyl software converter, vinyl copy to cd, vinyl record transfer, how to put my records on cd"

    Or should I make pages based on these keywords I have read that this could be classed as spamming but perhaps if the page content description is different it should be ok?

    What do you think?

  4. >I´ve also read that using single or double words
    Interesting... is that in the SEO book ?

    >My site was focusing....
    Yep maybe.

    >Keywords are very confusing should I list all the possible keywords for just one page?
    >Or should I make pages based on these keywords

    We had a similar discussion about this, when I asked about landing pages, if you don't use the term landing pages and think of them as second product pages, thats fine. But if you think about it thats what they are, landing pages.

    Although strictly speaking landing pages did have a specific format, keyword dense text, h1, title and meta including the keywords and a link to your home page. Also some links to other sites with similar keywords.

    (I have several landing pages, but never got round to the inbound links, but nonetheless I think its helped me focus my keywords.)

    Apart from the link to the home page and the external links thats pretty much your second product page, but with your sales pitch.

    I know mike says (as he'll probably comment after me here) that your pages should include a good range of keywords anyway.

    However I don't understand how you can become a highly placed site on the google results for these keywords too.

    So I think second product pages are the way to go. You can then do all the link building again for these pages. yay :) ... :(

    When I discovered that this is what I had to to, I realised it would take me a long time to do all this for all my pages and sites :(

    Maybe we need a product a page similar to the "How to SEO a web page" document (see pages on the right, or above, depending on theme) on second product pages?

  5. >So would that be a second product page?
    >What else would you have on that page?

    It could be a second product page, but it might also be something like:

    > You mean a link from other pages to that page?
    What I mean is that on other pages within the SliQTools site I'd link to (e.g.) the invoice-program page above as:

    ... href="">Invoice Program<...

  6. Thanks for the example, I'm also starting to think that multiple domains is perhaps not the best idea for me now, multiple landing pages sound good and your example kind of makes sense to me.

    I guess the key is to have many relevant pages as possible without thining out the content too much and pages which descibe the product in many ways.

  7. Jules - Sorry about the nofollow link 3 comments above - I was copying and pasting too quickly - I've now removed it.

    Aaron - multiple domains sounds good until you realise the amount of work involved. I guess if you have big profits you can afford to pay someone to do the work for you. You also need to be prepared to wait 3 to 6 months for the domains to age long enough for Google to come calling.

    You need content, i.e. text, on each page ... but mostly you need links. When you have a nice set of links you'll find you'll be doing OK for other keywords on your small set of landing pages.

    Time is my biggest issue. If time is also an issue for you I'd suggest starting small - one or two landing pages and build from there. If you have too many it gets hard to think of different ways of writing the text. If the topic of the page becomes obscure in relation to the product you are selling, you are just going to end up with a high bounce rate anyway.

    My feeling is that the case for domain names being special in terms of SEO is not so clear cut. A domain name is really just a special case of a URL. It might do a little bit better in SERPS but it takes a whole lot more work.

  8. Jules - spotted your other question above...

    > If it wasn´t a second product would else could it be ?

    It's a URL with a keyword in it - invoice software/ invoice program.

    Keyword rich URLs count for a lot - almost as much as keyword rich domain names - when linked up within a site.

  9. > If the page isn´t a second product page, what content will be on the page?

    Content related to the keyword in the URL - in order to show the SEs what the page is all about and hopefully rank well in SERPs. It's the same thing you were advised to do with keyword-rich domain names except done using different pages within a single website.

  10. I'm confused now!

    I'm not sure if you're trying to make a point that I'm missing somehow.

    It's not a page for a second product necessarily - though of course it could be. It's simply a page for a second keyword - a second landing page.

    Winding back several comments (!), I was trying to explain my experience of how you get to rank for keywords as per your question ...

    >I know mike says (as he´ll probably comment after me here) that your >pages should include a good range of keywords anyway.

    >However I don´t understand how you can become a highly placed site on >the google results for these keywords too.

    I wasn't trying to explain what a second landing page was, simply that using links within the site can make a second landing page rank and that you don't need a landing page for every possible keyword stem because Google will give you some leeway.

  11. Just to add one more point to this discussion for reference purposes really. In mikes pages he seems to have talked about different parts of his program on his landing pages.

    I guess that this wasn't intentional, but that he found these keywords would work and also describe parts of his program as a bonus.

    Looking at his linking strategy he has used these pages as a way of describing his program in logical parts, it doesn't look out of place.

    I know adding a left hand panel to my web sites has been discussed before, but if I can come up with the same sort of logical pages which complement my sites and are not just aimed at google, this will help all round.

    I know on one of my sites I have lots of landing pages, I'll have to let be brutal and do some trimming.

    I'll have to add this to the new 2nd seo page were doing.

  12. "I guess that this wasn´t intentional, but that he found these keywords would work and also describe parts of his program as a bonus."

    The content of the pages was intentional. I found keywords that worked well and created landing pages for them but with specific content. I'm adding the pages for the human reader as well as the SEs. I want the landing pages to work in the sense that if the user clicks on them in search results, they end up reading about information relative to the page title and don't get disappointed. I get disappointed if the bounce rate on the landing pages is above 30% to 40%.

  13. Sorry what I meant was you researched your keywords first to make sure they would work ?

    Right, I didn't realise you factored in your bouce rate too...

    Hmmm... Perhaps we need a analyse and adapt page too.

  14. Yes - I name each new page on the site to include a good keyword - if possible.

    Essentially I want the landing pages to work in 2 ways if possible - one as a landing page, and secondly to add extra information if the user lands on a different page and then moves to the page by clicking on a link within the website. I have one "main" page (which isn't the homepage) and I try to guide all visitors there.

  15. Ah, isn't the homepage.

    Thats interesting, I noticed you have all your products on your home page and you use the homepage as home page for your link on other sites for your software.

    I see.
