Friday 4 July 2008

New Children's Maths Education Shop Site - First SEO Tips

I've just taken a quick look at the new kids math store - looks nice and clean. I see you also modded the older shop site to match.

First thing I noticed in terms of textual content was that the homepage title was a bit short. Try to fit 3 keywords in if you can. Use WordTracker to check out good phrases. Off the top of my head I'd start looking at:

  1. Maths Software for Younger Children

  2. Preschool Maths Software

  3. Math Games for Kids

  4. Math for Kids

and so on ...

The homepage description meta tag is also a bit light on keywords. The sentence:

"We also supply a range of products which compliment our software."

is very non-specific and takes up too many words in the title. Also "compliment" should be "complement".

by ML


  1. Oh yeah, the welcome text etc all needs changing.
    In fact the only think I thought about keeping was the basic content of the product descriptions, the prices and the image.

    So lots will change.

  2. I think the difficulty is that I have so many pages and also so many sites / products. Its becoming a real nightmare to have to work on each page from an SEO point of view.

    I guess I need a diffinitive list of things I need / can do to each page, tasks I mean, then make a list of ALL ( :( ) my pages and work through them :(

    I guess this is why so many of my sites / products have never been SEO'd until recently :(

  3. We can keep stacking up ideas in the blog then make a plan of attack.

    Remember though that even little tweaks help.

    It took us about 2 or 3 days to do the first installment of SEO improvements to SoftTester. Hopefully you are seeing some benefits in terms of visitors and page views.

    I'm thinking in the background about non-SEO improvements we could try. In the end though it depends on how much work we want to put in on SoftTester and SoftwareLode.

  4. >We can keep stacking up ideas in the blog then make a plan of attack.
    Absolutley, think we do need some sort of todo lists, maybe we could add a todo tag, but if we do that its not specific as to where exactly in the post, the task is, hmmm

    >Remember though that even little tweaks help.
    Yeah, true.

    We need a list, maybe a completed list could form a guide for new pages.

    Why don't carry on posting as normal, then when we have a new task, we add it to a "ToDo" post and add comments?

    We can even edit it.

    What do you think?

    Do you want to start one?

  5. > What else do you need from me on the shop front?

    I'm going to go through my SEO book notes and add comments on the same thread as your checklist and maybe we can come up with a definitive / well discussed checklist.

    I need to think about the shops bigger picture and how similar products will have to have perhaps vastly different keywords. Or at least it seems to make sense.
