Monday 28 July 2008

Does traffic drop in the summer months?

In the last 2 or 3 weeks I've noticed a significant (20 or 30%) drop in traffic on my websites. At the same time I seem to be moving up in the SERPs for my keywords.

The only thing I can think is happening is that people are going on holiday now that summer is here and spending less time online. I can also imagine that with the kids off school, there's less time available to spend at the computer. Do you have any experience of a drop in traffic in summer in previous years?

by ML

1 comment:

  1. I don't think theres a straight forward answer to this.

    I can't give you any stats about my previous experiences. However I do now that my software sales via my website and my ebay sales on ebay are seasonal. I mean certain times of the year are better than others.

    I used to read the shareware authors newsgroup and lots of people used to say it was slow in the summer.

    However others said it was good.

    So the definitive answer is, it depends on what your selling / trying to get people to look at and the time of year. E.g. Ices creams sell in summer.

    OK I know I haven't talked about traffic hear, but the same rules applies I think.
