Tuesday 29 July 2008

When you've got 2 product sites for the same product?

Now that I've got a new website for MDBSecure, I'd like to ditch my old site.

Change my pad file and set the new location in the old file.

I can hear you saying already, "you don't want to do that" you have an existing / established site, with inbound links and is already on a lot of software download sites. Also got several alternative keyword pages.

Or maybe I'm just giving you to much credit ;)

I do appreciate these points and I'm not 100% sold on the idea of ditching the old site.

I think the idea of promoting the new site with a pad file is a good idea and I think I'll struggle is I don't do this.

I guess another idea is to re-brand the product and give it a new name.
Although I think this is a bit of a shame as I like the name.

From a cost point of view I would like to get rid of the old site eventually.
Although I'm not sure how I could add my keyword pages from the old site into the new site without making the new site look unprofessional.

So lots to talk about there and lots of crucial decisions to make for me.


by JM


  1. How many sales do you make through the old site? Any queries through the new one yet.

    Difficult choices as you say.

    If you want to use the words from the old site then you will have to remove the pages on the old site first or Big G may ignore the new pages -duplicate content problems.

    the PR and ranking of your old site will start dropping if you move the shareware site links to your new site.

    You could rebrand MDBSecure "slightly" and post it as a new product onthe shareware sites, e.g. MDBSecure Plus or MDBSecure .Net (just ideas). You'd then end up with 2 products - 1 on each site. Practically speaking you could actually make them the same though.

  2. Thanks for your thoughts.

    I don't get much out of the old site, but I do get the occasional sale, but hardly any to make much song and dance about.

    About this time of year I release new builds on my progs any way for the next year e.g. Product name 2009, anyway.

    So maybe I could release 2009 on the new site for now and leave the othersite as is. Then at a later date I can change the old pad file and do something different with the pages.

    I guess the only possible snag about this idea, is that some software sites may see some comparison in the program name.
