Tuesday 8 July 2008

First implementation of Shareware Site Improvements

I've implemented an Editor's Picks section listing recommended software downloads on the homepage of SoftwareLode. The list is populated with programs I personally recommend after review. I've coloured the background of the Editor's Pick section to make them stand out a bit.

I'll probably choose the programs to list based on whether authors ask to be listed and/ or they give SoftwareLode a backlink. I won't automatically list a program just because someone asked - I'll review the programs first. I'll also list programs I come across that I think are neat. I'm reviewing titles as they get submitted by authors so I can decide whether to linger on a review after getting a first impression of a submitted title.

To manage the Editor's Pick section, I've written an extra page in the admin section of the site. This lets me nominate a software title based on its program number and either set or clear its featured status. I can also choose to add my own comments about the program or just use the PAD file description. I've allowed the comments to include HTML tags so I can make my own comments on the program stand out a bit.

I'm still thinking of other improvements, e.g. a Recommended List on the home page. The Editor's Pick section will never contain more than a handful of titles but I may want to add a list - say up to 10 - of other titles I recommend.

On the program listing page itself, I can distinguish programs by giving them a 3, 4 or 5 star rating.

by ML


  1. This sounds great.

    Unfortunately I don't think its sustainable, unless you have lots of spare time.

  2. At this stage I think it is. In one sense the main thing I have to do is filter for submissions with backlinks OR from authors who contact me. This is likely to be a very small percentage of submissions. I check most submissions anyway since I want to filter out spam. Of course, you've been in the game longer than me so you have more experience.

    Remember also that I will be more interested in certain types of program and this will also naturally reduce the number of titles that get more than a passing glance at their website. Don't misunderstand me - I won't be downloading every program submitted!

    The backend of the site filters out blacklisted domains and PAD file descriptions containing hyperlinks so this should help reduce work too.

  3. When I first setup the site I was after quantity not quality. Spam wasn't an issue back then. I wasn't too bothered about the type of program. In fact even now, what is a bad program which shouldn't be listed.

    For instance the author who puts a hard core porn image for his screen shot won't get listed on a lot of sites and therefore he will alter his image and try again.

    So authors won't ruin their chances, but providing a bad pad file.

    Spammers won't either, they want to look as genuine as possible as they was the links back to their site.

    Luckily most spammers use the same domains lots, I mean they might have several but they will use it lots. So its easier to spot them.

    Although this is a relatively new thing, well it is for me, as I've been asleep for a year or so and hadn't noticed, its only when I had to delete 20,000 records that I discovered a problem.

    Even now I haven't implement a make author / product function. Although it will be easy to implement.

    I guess the ideal solution to vetting software is to come up with some sort of algorithm which filters out on certain words.

  4. Filtering keywords and domains must be the way to go. Filtering domains is easy. My site filters as PADs are submitted but I eventually want to be able to automatically delete existing PADs when a new entry is made in the blacklisted domains table.

  5. Out of interest, what percentage of submissions provide a backlink to you?

  6. I have no idea, don't keep track :(

    Getting more and more spam each day now. I haven't really got time with my current priorities to do anything today. But I think I might do a query on the amount of programs each author has, I have separate tables for each.

    And see the biggest authors and come to a figure for a maximum and add that in to my updater program.
