Wednesday 25 June 2008

New name for IdeasPad

I wouldn't worry too much about coming up with a name that people search for - you can always write text and titles on your website that steer people to your product anyway.

I had a think of some names and looked for products with those naes on Google.  I came across some possible competing products and websites. I'm note sure if you come across these before but the sites look good and might give you some ideas:

  • MyNotes - www dot mynotes dot com

  • NoteKeeper - www dot mynoteskeeper dot com

  • MyNotesCenter - www dot mynotescenter dot com

  • MyJotter - www dot myjotter dot com

by ML


  1. Well, I want to give myself a head start and have a name which is both appealing to my market (aka business people) and something which is already popular on the search engines.

    I want something which people are going to search for.

    No one searches for ideaspad.

    If I don't adopt this approach what searches do you think people use to find my type of program?

  2. Well ... I thought of the names in the post. When you said MySQL, I though along the lines of My... such as MyNotes and worked from there.

    To see how people find sites, I'd suggest analyzing the competitor sites highlighted in the post.

    Other names off the top of my head: JotITDown, JetJotter, StickRNotes, NoteBoat, NoteNetter, NoteNet, NoteNetta, NoteNetter, NiftyNotes, RolaNote, NoteBoard, All My Notes ...

  3. More name ideas!

    TakeNote!, AfterNote, Note Bene, Note Benny, Note Buddy, Clear Notes, NoteIT, NeatNotes, NoteStore, NotePlace, Keep Notes, Key Notes

  4. I'll have to run them all through word tracker see what it thinks.

  5. Thanks for your ideas, I've now ran them through word tracker and unfortunately none came up with very good hits.

    I also had another idea, Notes Organizer, and like yours... Take Notes, but again nothing came up good :(

    I mean I don't see any reason to change the program name unless I can come up with something with good hits :(

  6. What about my tree notes ?

    Do you think those are good keywords?
    I'm not sure form my analysis.
    Or whether people would use those terms, I now looking at t r e e p a d, tree is their main keyword.

    Do you like the name ?

  7. It's not a bad name. The only problem I can see is that it's less descriptive than IdeasPad. If you are looking for a good searchable name, I'm not sure people will look for tree. I think tree relates more to the way the program was written than what the user will use it for.

  8. Yes your right.

    When I checked the ideas we had earlier in this discussion I used word tracker, I haven't tried them (apart fom my tree notes) with the adwords checker.

    Would that be best ?

    I'd be looking for low advertiser competition, and good search volume? But whats good?
