Monday 1 December 2008

PageRank N/A: Why do no inner pages have a rank?

Ever since this blog was assigned a Google pagerank, I've been looking to see if any of the older posts have a rank. As far as I can tell, none of the post pages do. On my software blog, the homepage doesn't have an assigned rank but a smattering of the older posts have a pagerank of 1. I don't  understand this at all - maybe it's just be down to the mysterious way Google operates.

My blog used to have a PageRank of 3. I think this was mainly because I gave it a link from my main site. The link was in place for two or three weeks and I think this was enough to give the PR 3 value. When I removed the link, the PR dropped but for some reason some of the older posts still have a rank.

Any ideas why none of the posts on this blog have a rank? Or are there some that do and I've just missed them?

by ML


  1. Hmmm that is odd.

    Maybe I just dreamt it, but I thought some of the older pages did have some PR at somepoint.

    Had a look at your blog and couldn't see any sub pages with rank.

    The only thing which strikes me as odd is the page file name structure. index.php/ etc

    Other than that I have no ideas.

    I have pages on my other sites with sub pages with rank.

  2. This blog post still does and so does this one. I think a few more did until quite recently.
