Wednesday 10 December 2008

How to schedule / automatically test a contact form?

I've been setting up a scheduled tasks to let me know if I have a large number of transactions to process on Softtester, this is a simple count of the emails in the que, I get an email if its over a certain level.

This test will tell me if I've been spammed or if the pad spider program has failed.

I'd like to test my contact form, maybe once a week.

I'd like to do a true test and no just test the mail script but, test the page.

When I did the email count test, I was able to produce a PHP script which is then added as a schedule in my website control panel.

I'd like to do the same thing with the contact form test.

However, the only way I can think of the test the form, is to write a program which will load the page, populate the fields and click the submit button. And I can't do this in a PHP script.

Any ideas?


PS. I have looked for a free service to do this, but I can't find one.


  1. Not sure if it's the sort of thing you're thinking of but have you looked at RoboFiller?

  2. RoboFiller looks to be a desktop app?
    If so no, not the kind of think I'm looking for.

  3. Having been through all 13 of my contact / support forms on my various sites, I've noticed that theres things like checking the email address and the information which is sent in the email, which can
    not be checked automatically.

    Although its a pain to check them by hand, I think the safest thing is to do just that. I've produced a list in google docs of all my forms and added a last checked column.

    I guess if I make an changes I need to check them and also if Blue run a service pack or something :) then I should check them too.

    Now is there anything else I need to check?

    I was thinking I really need some FAQ pages / help on sales to make it easier for people ordering. Think this could help a lot.
