Monday 1 September 2008

WOW, WOW, Google webmaster tools and top searches ?

Mike, I'm guessing you haven't seen this, or haven't noticed it or well at least you don't use it.
As you do searches on google and look at your position.

Google webmaster tools, has a top searches feature which shows the keyword used and the postion you are for that page on google.

So if we use word tracker to check that term gets lots a of hits...

Then surely this is all we need to do to find googd keywords, well that and some common sense to make sure people will use the keyword in the right way. And obviously we have to be getting some of those hots in the first place to see the term in google tools.

Seems like the holy grail to me ?

by JM


  1. This is useful to be sure - but it only gets updated fairly infrequently. I also find it's more pessimistic than reality.

    The best way of tracking relative traffic (not absolute amounts) for keywords is to use the tools in Google Adwords. These are based on Google's real knowledge of how many searches are performed.

    Don't sign up for Adwords though! Some of my keywords - billing software for example - now average £4 per click.

  2. I have tried adwords in the past and have spent sometime trying to refine by keywords.

    However, aren't the adwords tool just going to tell me what people are prepared to pay for keywords and in most case keywords which are unachievable on web pages?

    I'm just trying to figure out if those queries that people make, where I get a few hits, which aren't the main keywords for that page, then should I be changing my pages to use those queries. And use word tracker as a basic guide?

    Please correct me and tell me what else to do ?

  3. Adwords has been updated in the last couple of months to include a traffic level interface - as well as the older cost/ keyword interface.

  4. I guess I've missed the point a bit, I guess the value in the google webmaster tools is that, you can see what you are doing well (or OK'ish) with at the moment and that people have chosen to click on my links.

    Having seen the description on google.

    I guess I can then use adwords tools to follow this up.

  5. Here's a link to the Adwords keyword tool showing average monthly search volumes:

  6. I was using this tool the other day it seems to give could suggestions. Jules is it worth creating a page with SEO Tools / Links?

  7. If someone would maintain the page, yse? But I think it's sufficient to have the blog entries.

  8. My biggest problem is I forget stuff, that why I drove the way in creating the "How to SEO a web page" page and am now in the process of driving "How to create an SEO'd 2nd product page" page.

    Its just a matter of getting enough info together on the blog to do it.

    So yes I'd happy to happy to have a SEO tools / links page too.

    If we need to add something, then anyone of use can maintain it :)

  9. Here's links to pages/ posts with some tools I've used. I haven't used some of the tools for a while, but I particularly like the Google SERPS rank checker - it's a kind of quick way of checking where you are on google for particular keyword. It only works intermittently though!

    XML Sitemap Tool

    SEO Tools

  10. I don't think

    Is working anymore?

    I can't seem to see any results from it ?

  11. Also, with the KeywordToolExternal when it says 'not enough data' against certain keywords, should I avoid those keywords? It show in last months column.
