Monday 2 March 2009

Summary of my usage data

I'm not going to name my program here, but you guys will know that its my kids programs.

I've analysed my uninstall usage data and have produced some stats shown below. I haven't included stats from bug reports, which I haven't got round to yet.

The summary is based on all 880 reports from the last release in July.

I'm hoping you guys will comment on my findings.

Reason CountOfReason
(Please select) 774
Other 33
Just didn't like the program 33
Trial expired 14
Found it too complicated 14
Had a problem 10
Missing an expected feature 2

So theres not much of a pattern there, except that users couldn't be bothered to select a reason.
Whether they were willing to enter into a competition to win a license.
No 796
Yes 84

This didn't require people to provide an email address, provide comments etc.
OS CountOfOS
XP 772
VIS 100
98 6
23K 2

I think I'll drop windows 98.
I haven't yet analysed my Max Reached Point information, I do have stats but I haven't look to see where these point are in my program. I hope to do this before the end of the thread.
DaysInst CountOfDaysInst
0 540
1 43
3 31
2 25
4 22
7 18
-- Snip --

So most people use the program for less than a day then uninstall.
MinsUsed CountOfMinsUsed
0 226
2 115
3 68
4 44
5 49
6 30
7 30
8 24
9 26
10 12
11 20
12 14
13 21
14 9
15 9
16 12
17 6
18 10
19 3
20 14
-- snip --
99 25

So that varies.
ProgRetryCount CountOfProgRetryCount
1 365
2 173
3 104
4 56
5 33
0 33
6 28
8 16
7 13
9 12
10 8
11 6
12 5
14 4

So users do close the program and retry it.

Crash CountOfCrash
No 843
Unc 33
Yes 4

So not a massive percentage of crashes.

PrintBtnUsed CountOfPrintBtnUsed
N 737
Y 143

This is how many people used the print button.
I guess I would hope this to be higher.

PrintsLeft CountOfPrintsLeft
0 95
1 6
2 7
3 10
4 25

From people who did print.

by JM


  1. Yup. Killer, or neat, selling features are what you need.
    Looks like most people uninstall within 2 minutes of use.
    This could be interpreted many ways: they either give up
    within 2 minutes or they get what they need out of the
    program within 2 minutes (like some printed masks) and
    don't need it anymore. On the other hand the stats could
    be skewed because you are getting them from people
    who've made a decision to uninstall whereas there could
    be a number of people who install and forget.

    I'm away for the next few days but when I'm back I'll try
    the program out on my kids and see what they say if you

  2. Oooo Thanks.

    I think people are probably looking to print pre-made masks. However, most people aren't printing them.

    As you say people make be installing and forgetting.

    So maybe they are giving up and hate the program.

  3. It seems like that majority just dont like the program its a shame you have so many (please select).

    Perhaps you could add a comment box for other, and also add:

    * I thought the program was something else
    please explain:

    Another thought is why not give out free copies to a local school / friends and ask them to give you honest opinions on the software, what they liked and didnt like etc.

    10/20 people trying your software this way should give you enough information on what might be wrong with it, just make sure you ask them to be honest with you.

  4. Heres my max reach point data. The positions are stored before the program is closed in most cases.

    MRP CountOfMRP
    400 123 - is Other face part button
    73 104 - is before the sign in screen is shown.
    330 93 - Undo button
    350 93 - Heads button
    231 76 - main screen loaded
    360 71 - eyes button
    380 66 - Mouth button
    410 60 - Load mask button
    370 39 - Ears button
    390 39 - Nose button
    82 32 - After sign in screen
    320 30 - print button
    4 29 - just uninstall
    7 18 - just uninstall
    130 5 - Main screen shown
    144 2 - Tutorial shown

    Position 73 with so many hits is a bit confusing, could mean a crash I guess. Although the crash flag is no for all except 1 of the 104 reports. Although most people did retry the program a few times
    and some a lot.

  5. Blue,

    Looking at the reasons it might be that people don't like the program. It could be they have just been lazy and not selected an option. I do accepts comments too.


    No Not for terminal server
    No No Sorry My computer laoded
    No Just wasn't exactly what I was looking for
    Yes installed on laptop will be transfering to homebase pc
    Yes good day my name is susan my daughter of 3 enjoyed the program but she got sad when she couldn't make the butterfly, so i tryd to exsplain to het that it is only a trail, so she said i have to buy
    the program but unfortinitly i dont have exstra money.
    No just cause I don't need it
    No I don't like
    No l dont want it
    No not what i thought it was
    No not what I was looking for.

    The first work, is answer to the competition question.

    Ah yes, you've suggested school before, not sure about that.

    Looking at my max reach point stats, it does show that people are able to use the program. However, they haven't bought it.

    It could be a bit of a reach and the MRP data doesn't suggest this, but that people are looking for pre-built masks.

    I guess I could add a new feature which would show masks, that I have put together from face parts, maybe a random selection. Hmm not sure. I guess this could be as simple as lots of saved mask files.

    Although how I'd make this an "in your face" feature, to make sure every body noticed it, i'm not sure.


  6. Oops, I've just realised, I've missed out about 100 reports. I'm going to summarise any difference in the results.

    Reasons, Competitions, OS, Days Installed, Mins Used, Prog Retry Count, Print Button Used, Prints Left and MRP about the same, percentage wise.

    Obviously the amount of crashes is up.

    Crash CountOfCrash
    NO 874
    UNC 33
    YES 72

    So thats 90% didn't crash, 10% did or that's unknown and 7% did crash.

  7. Bug report Analysis, this is very rough as I've just counted the last crash max reached point. This is not a unique user count, so if a user has submitted several times this will inflate the count.

    However, there is a clear top 5 with a lot more reports than others.

    one CountOfone

    CWIa13 106 - Which is a picture function end tag, but its used in several functions, so this doesn't tell me much, I will need more analysis.

    SBEP1a0a 101 - This is save before exit.

    AMSGBX4 75 - Before a message is shown, hmmm

    AMSGBX6 58 - After a message box is shown, not very useful.

    CSBa9 46 - Create Slot Button for save mask screen, just before a lot of file handling things, hmmm
