Friday 24 October 2008

Support for customers in non-English speaking countries

This might be a strange post since we have a German contributor but I'd like to see if anyone has expxerience of providing support to people in non-English speaking countries.

At the moment, I sell software in English only via a site. This allows me to target the UK, US, Australia, India etc. but there is an untapped market in France, Germany, Spain, Italy and so on. The thing that's put me off for now is providing support or even answering simple queries. My wife was (once) fluent in German and lived in Germany for a couple of years. The trouble is that her German is now rusty and neither of us speak anything else but English.

Does anyone have experience of providing support in this way? How do you cope? Is it a problem or are customers happy to switch to English?

by ML

Speaking Times Table Tutor CD Review

Have you just been spending hours with your child to get her to learn her times tables? Most of the day can go by and don't feel as if your child has learnt anything.

As with anything which is hard to do, you have you make it fun.

Check out the our 'Speaking Times Tables Tutor CD' its a program which allows your child to learn and be tested on their times table. You select which table you want to work on or choose random for a mixture of tables.

It make times table fun!

At the moment, its available on eBay!

Sunday 12 October 2008

MSI Files

In our series of discussion about software installation we shall be discussing the different installation methods provided by shareware and software developers.

MSI stands for Microsoft Installer file, which is a file format which is recognised by Microsoft Windows by Microsoft Windows Installer technology.

When you run an MSI file it gets copied into a sub folder of your windows folder and is then available when you go into add and remove programs. You can then use the options provided e.g. repair or remove.

MSI files tend to be quite small as they don't need any of the functionality to setup your program. Instead it just has a small list of things for Windows Installer to do.

Great Shareware and Freeware Software Downloads

Monday 6 October 2008

Finding backlinks to a website

There are a number of ways of finding the backlinks to a website but each has pros and cons. The two simplest ways are to use Google Webmasters or the link: command.

You can only use Google Webmasters if you control a website and can verify ownership. In terms of Google PageRank, Google's Webmaster interface is the most accurate way of determining which backlinks to your website Google actually takes any notice of. The problem is that Google Webmasters often lags behind the real world situation. If you've added lots of links to a site they will often not show up in webmasters for some weeks or months. Usually there's a jump in the number of backlinks reported at the same time Google exports PageRank values to the Google toolbar.

An alternative method is to use the link: command. To use this, type the following into any search engine:

for example: to find backlinks to the domain

The problem with the link: command is that some search engines don't return all the backlinks. Google in particular only returns a sample - usually far less than it returns via Google webmasters. The best search engines to use for the link: command are Yahoo and all the web (

by ML

Wednesday 1 October 2008

I've just shelved my To Do list...

For the last couple of weeks I've been lacking motivation, I've had so many things going on in my life and I've been getting quite stressed.

Theres things which have needed doing for ages.

Well they will all have to wait a bit longer.

I've decided that since I spent an afternoon a couple of weeks ago doing keyword research with the adwords tool, that I need to do this for all my websites / products.

I've had my To Do (21 page) document open several times over the past couple of weeks, I've had some notes on this blog pinned open in Fire Fox, but none of them mean anything unless people can find me / my products.

I really feel this time that this method of finding good keywords will work.
The only difficulty is deciding whether people will buy if they use a certain keyword.

At this point since that first afternoon I've got 5 sale pitch content pages finished and I've commissioned 11 more today. I know this will take a week maybe 2, so I can do some other research for other products now.


A marketing tip

This doesn't have as much SEO value as for marketing, but it does have a little SEO value.

I was told to pretend you are your customers and post of forums saying how good your products were, providing links etc.

I guess from an SEO point of view you'd have to be picking about the PR value of the sites you choose.

Also from a marketing point of view you would have to post on a popular forum.

It does seem a lot of work when you consider the benefits.
