Friday 17 April 2009

How to keep your home tidy

This is probably an obvious one, but I only just realised how powerful this was they other day.

We often find ourselves in a mess and a lot of the time it comes down the fact that we don't have space to put things. So we tidy things and put them away, but we never have room to put more things. So what do you do. The most obvious answer is to get more storage or find more space.



We've been doing this for sometime, we even boarded out the rest of our loft and got a bigger hatch and proper ladders. We got a shed the other year too. All of which are quite full.

The answer is to change your life style, don't hoard stuff.

Last weekend I was going through my shelves shreadding and putting paper in our recyle bin, it took me hours and I have nothing to show for it, I've got lots of piles of scrap paper though.

However, it was a start and I now feel a bit better that I did it. I feel now that I need to think carefully about anything I keep.

How useful will that be to me in the future, probably not at all!

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