Saturday 28 February 2009

Problems with BT Broadband

Lately we've been having big problems with BT broadband. Once a week or so the ADSL connection drops out leaving us disconnected from the internet. We are so used to spending a few hours a day online - answering emails etc. - that it drives us a bit nuts. I've contacted their 0800 support line and the people try to be helpful but the only guidance they seem to be able to give is to help us reconnect our PCs to the wireless hub.

My suspicion is that there's a couple of problems. The first is that when someone else in my village uses broadband, the ADSL link goes down, i.e. we interfere with each other. In Window's list of available wireless connections, I often see another wireless hub when the service is very ropey. The second thing is that when someone uses a wireless telephone in the village, I have trouble connecting my desktop wirelessly to my hub. I think this is the case since I sometimes see another wireless connection with just a number like 209871245 - instead of a name.

We've been unable to get online for more than a few minutes in the last day. Does anyone else have broadband problems like these?


  1. Luckily (up till now) we haven't had any wireless connectivity problems.

    We're with Talk Talk and I use one of their basic recommended modem, which has an RJ45 and USB ports on the back. I have the a standard switch / router plugged into the RJ45 port. I don't use the USB port.

    I then have a cheap 11 mbs wireless access point plugged into the switch.

    We have a couple of desktops which are plugged into the switch. Out 2 laptops access the internet / lan via the wap.

    Our common issues (perhaps once every day or so) is that the modem need resetting. Not really sure why this is, but its probably other people on our street connecting / disconnecting.

    I'm glad that our modem and wireless connectivity are separate. I can imagine that having them together could cause problems.

    I can see another wap sometimes, which is a bt home home.

    I believe the BT Wireless device you have, has the longer range is it 54 mbs. I don't know a lot about wireless stuff, but maybe you could try not using the BT device and getting a shorter range 11 mbs device. Alternatively you could use a cable.

  2. My problem isn't really wireless connectivity: I can
    communicate 99% of the time with the router over the

    The main problem is that the router can't pick up the
    ADSL signal. It's a bit like the problem you mention
    above where the router needs to be reset, except that,
    sometimes for up to a day, resetting doesn't bring the
    ADSL connection back up.

  3. Well with talk talk, in most cases now they have their own box of tricks at the exchange and therefore the setup may be different. Bare with me...

    I did have a lot of problems after our exchange was upgraded, I believe that was the cause. I'd have adsl connectivity problems and I couldn't get on at all some times.

    I tried all sorts of things with cables and different modems.

    Before I joined talk talk, I had pipex, which ere brilliant. I use to frequent that adslguide forums which is now.

    If you look at the bottom of the list, you'll find a section for BT.

    After talking through my problems, a TT representative appeared and we did stuff over email. He lowered my "Profile" so my connection speed was lower but my connectivity increased.

    Have a chat on the that forum and see what they say, there might be a BT equivalent.
